Since rooms with only one circuit tend not to be very large, another circuit is usually not needed. Breakers need time to heat up and shut off, and the typical movie soundtrack explosion doesn't last long enough for this to happen. On the other hand, bass-heavy music in all-channel mode at high output levels for extended periods could end up tripping the breaker, but if that actually happens in a room like this then there are bigger things to worry about, like permanent ear damage. In any case, a licensed electrician can always be hired to fish a new line to wherever one is actually needed, a job that's easy or difficult depending on what's between the service panel and the new outlet.
The power amp's ratings say that its maximum consumption is 15A (or 1800W or 1800VA). The subwoofer also uses up to 15A. There's only one 15A circuit available in the whole room for a 30A requirement - can I use the system with it? Print
Modified on: Wed, 24 Jan, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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